教师焦点:约翰F. 艾伦

The IWC is happy to feature 约翰F. 艾伦 in conversation about his 写作 life and his upcoming course with us, “Foundations of Fiction Writing.

教练: 约翰F. 艾伦
日期: 3个星期四:7月11日、18日、25日
地点: 变焦
时间: 美国东部时间晚上6:30-9:30
成本: Nonmember: $250; Writer/Reader Members & IPC Members: $169; Senior, Teacher, Student, Military/Veteran, Librarian: $151
*The cost of this class includes at $25 manuscript fee that is directly remitted to the instructor
**if you are unable to make it live, there will  be a recording of the class available.


Foundations of Fiction Writing

These classes are designed to breakdown and identify the Foundations of Fiction so that they can be used to strengthen your 写作 of a story. The Foundations of Fiction may be applied to ALL genres of 小说 as well as screen写作, 还有漫画创作. This course will also cover why an understanding of the Foundations of Fiction is instrumental to good 写作 at any stage of the writer’s journey.

After completion of ALL three classes in this course, the attendees should have enough material to create or have created a rough draft of a short story. The rough draft can then be developed into a polished first draft. The instructor will be available for manuscript reviews.



约翰F. 艾伦 is an American writer born in 印第安纳波利斯, IN. He is a founding member of the Speculative Fiction Guild and a member of the 印第安纳作家中心. John began 写作 stories as early as the second grade and pursued various forms of 写作 at some point, 在他的职业生涯中. He studied Liberal Arts at IUPUI with a focus in Creative Writing, received an honorable discharge from the United States Air Force and is a current member of the American Legion. 约翰的处女作, 上帝杀手, was published in 2013 by Seventh Star Press, and he has since had numerous novellas and short stories published by various publishers. He is currently working on multiple novel, novella and short story projects, 还有一本诗集. John is also a freelance copywriter. John currently resides in 印第安纳波利斯, 印第安纳州.

What 写作 accomplishment are you most proud of?

Outside of my initial first publication, 一篇题为, 《十大博彩网站评级正规博彩平台》,” I’d say my short story collection, The Best is Yet to Come: Volume I. I feel that this tome best represents my 写作, as the various stories cross genres and present me as a well-rounded writer…or at least I’m told.

What is your personal motto, or something like a proverb that you live by (写作 related or not)?

That would be “The Best is Yet to Come,” which happens to also be the title of my short story collection series. It came to me via a 12-inch single LP my older brother gifted me as a teen. The song was titled, “The Best is Yet to Come,” by Patti LaBelle and Grover Washington Jr. The lyrics inspired me in life and as a writer, 要忠诚, 充满希望的, and to continue looking and moving forward.

What’s your favorite thing about the IWC?

I’d have to say that there isn’t one favorite thing about IWC for me. 但, three on top of the list is that firstly, 我在帮助他们继续, 在某种程度上, the legacy of one of my mentors, IWC万国表创始人吉姆·鲍威尔说. 其次, is being given the opportunity to share the knowledge I’ve earned from my experiences and Jim’s tutelage, 与他人. 第三, working with the staff who tirelessly help me to make the 学习 experience for those attending my workshops something, 教育, meaningful and worthwhile for them.

When it comes to 写作, what is your greatest challenge?

时间是我最大的挑战. There is so much I want to accomplish, 我要分享的故事太多了, and there is so much more to learn about the craft. 别误会我, I’m doing what I’ve set out to do, but I feel there is an unending amount of stories to share, 学习, 和指导. Then I suppose that’s the point of a legacy, it endures beyond the individual and shines on forever.

What’s your favorite thing about this class/what do you want your students to walk away from it with?

My favorite thing about the class is when the students get what they need to grow as 作家. It’s really all about them; I’m just a guide on their writer’s journey, and I pray to be a helpful one each time. When the classes end, I want the students to have gained more than when they started. I want them to have had their questions answered and for them to have even more questions to ask. I want them to have grown as 作家 and be at least a little better for it all, with what I’ve been privileged to share with them on their writer’s journey.

What’s one thing that’s always in your refrigerator?


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